This week me and the other three of my classmates were appointed to form a group of four members each and create a fictional character (regardless gender) as well as his/her little profile details. Later on, we were required to post a journal on our opinion about the character and how the media effect the character design. 

    Aside a bit clashing on each of the profile design (example; like how he has many religions), due to compilation ideas of four different ideal people (very sarcasm) which actually media could be one of the reason for such incident to happen. Media in general used for an updates of any issues, in form of entertainment to politics. This resulted to exposure in many aspects, just like what I just gave for the example. From media, we learn that there are plenty other types of religions out there aside Islam, Buddha and Hindu, generally what we should know at least in Malaysia. Due to learning all those many other types of religion give the individuals other options to choose which also lead to more different ideal and classification. What I can say is that this situation can be both good and bad thing. From my observation, people who exposed to media more (especially social media) always try very hard to look different from the others by classifying themselves with newly created or 'rare genes' genres in either fashion or music preference and etc (hipsters, EDM, trap etc). I do not have any problem with such thing in fact it helps me in learning more about the world but this doesn't always apply the same on each individuals. Media can cause an individual to have anxiety disorder and lot more other mental issues due to unable to fit in or keep up with the development of trend and such.  

    Now I splurge more than necessary from only one topic but I do not want to discuss such thing as how media makes a person change in manner wise (rude and rebellious or liberal and freedom etc) because its a general topic that have been discuss by many people. My opinion end here because truthfully I have so much more unspoken discussion that I always have in my head but that would be an endless stream. I am an imperfect person myself who also may or may not influenced by the media itself, who knows. 


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