Image result for POSTMODERNISM

   Post Modernism illustrate as the movement of development in the mid 20th century across the philosophy, the arts, the architecture and criticism which marked a departure from modernism. Briefly, it was a tendency to react against modernism by displaying an attitude of skepticism, rejection  or basically negative reaction. However, since many postmodernist have varying beliefs and opinion, it is difficult to define it accurately therefore remain vague.

Here are some of Post Modernism art:

10 Marilyns, 1967 by Andy Warhol

 rene magrite - 10 marylins
La Trahison Des Images (The Treason of Images, "This is not a pipe"), 1929 by Rene Magrite

James Rosenquist - President Elect
 President Elect, 1961 by James Rosenquist

Now that I have explained what is Post Modernism and showed a few of the examples, lets move on to Semiotics.

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French Fries, Mcdonald's Advertisement, April 2009

Semiotics is the study of sign processment and what is the meaning behind it. In other word, semiotics is closed to sign language where a signcreated as a code, linking to their menings. According to Charles Sanders Pierce, an American philosopher he categorize the sign in three main types; (1) an icon, which resembles its referent; (2) an index, which is connected with its referent and (3) a symbo, which is related to its referent only by convention.


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